Monday, August 18, 2008

Avoid surgery if early symptoms is discover

The beginning of hernia symptoms are swelling under the skin which will cause you a slight discomfort and slight pain and if not treated, the hernia will then grow bigger and will cause more pain and all this pain are related to lifting, coughing or sneezing. Besides of it, the pain will make life difficult in doing your daily works or activities or having sex. Most of the beginning symptoms are bulging, feeling tearing sensation and pain at the abdominal area.

Most of the people who develop hernia are people who is fifty years of age and above age, people who jobs related who heavy lifting and other physical stress exercises. As age grows up our muscle walls became weaker and this one of the cause of person develop hernia. If early symptom is discover it can easily be treated by medicals or others difference methods and save them self from surgery.
